Welcome 2021 ...new beginnings ?

Hello and a late welcome to 2021,

Looking back 12 months, it has been a strange year for both humans and pets alike. Hopefully better times are on the horizon.

The Fisher household has been kept busy with various jobs and here are a few of the achievements from the last year.

A new bespoke shed, handmade by the master, using recycled palettes and it stands where the old oil tank stood. I must admit it was a little worrying as it was being constructed, as it was starting to resemble a kennel! No, not possible I thought, surely they would not consider such a thing. Happily all manner of garden implements were installed and worries were over.

My master has been commissioned by Search Press to write book number 4 and paws crossed, hoping that maybe there will be room for me to appear. You may remember that the section in the oil pastel book features me for the animal portrait chapter. That painting is now proudly hung in the lounge so I can look at it whilst relaxing by the fire.

Much household decorating has been carried out by my mistress during the past year, the house is looking splendid.

Unfortunately our caravan has been sitting on the drive unused for the past 18 months. I am so looking forward to going away in it again. There nothing better than positioning yourself on the cushion at the front window, watching the world go by.

We have been getting out for a lot of walks from our village and finding footpaths that we did not know existed. It's amazing how much exploration can be done from your own doorstep.
I will be very pleased when the endless mud finally starts to dry up, the owners seem to find it very amusing to watch me negotiating muddy puddles. Well, its no fun when you are close to the ground !

Looking ahead to the future, I am looking forward to accompanying my owners to the Broadway Festival in June and returning to the White House, Norfolk for another Big Sky painting holiday in September.
It was really good fun in Norfolk last October, keeping my mistress company on long coastal walks during the day, whilst the master was teaching.

Finally there's a certain Parson Jack Russell (mentioning no names) who is feeling really pleased with herself.
A recent newspaper article stated that TALENTED dogs are able to learn the name of a new toy, after hearing it only a few times.
I cannot tell you how good that made me feel, here are the names of my cuddly toys, that I can be summoned to fetch on request. Now I know the list is rather large, but having a kind human family I am a bit spoilt…. are you ready ?

Sheepie ( must admit its now Sheep version number 3 after puppy destruction some years back)
Katie the carrot (sorry Aldi)
Santa (sorry again !!)
Eyeore (sorry Winnie !)

There were originally more, but during my puppy days some got destroyed and had to have a Valhalla burial.

Take care, stay safe all of you,
Freyja xx